Here are the top 5 ways to transition your pet to Raw
Cold Turkey Approach
Best for Young Pets
How doe it work?
No Instructions needed, just start feeding raw!
Your dogs health will drastically change right way
Changing your dogs diet too quickly can result in diarrhea. Diarrhea or GI issues are just caused from the sudden change in diet.
Treat First Approach
Best for healthy pets and young pets
How does it work?
Day 1: use the raw food as a treat
Keep an eye on your pets stool
Day 2-4: Increase the amount of raw food treats
Day 5: if the stool is normal, replace one whole meal of old food with new food.
Day 5-7: Do this for the next several days. If the stool remains normal, stop the old food and feed raw from now on.
Still a rapid switch to raw
Still potential for stomach upset
Combined Approach
Best for all pets, senior pets and pets with sensitive digestive systems
How does it work?
Each day you feed less dry food
Day 1: Feed 1/8th raw, 7/8 dry
Day 2: feed 1/4th raw, 3/4 dry
Day 3: feed 1/2 raw, 1/2 dry
Day 4: feed 3/4th raw, 1/4th dry
Day 5: feed 7/8th raw, 1/8th dry
Day 6: feed 100% raw
Good choice for reducing stomach upset. Works well for pets who are weirded out by raw food.
Requires lots of work & can be inconvenient.
Separate Meals Approach
Best for all pets, senior pets, pets with sensitive digestive systems
How does it work?
Follow the same guide as the combined approach, just feed the raw in a separate bowls and at separate times.
Great for reducing stomach upset.
Great for people who do not want to feed raw food and dry food together.
Requires work
Cooked Foods Before Raw Approach
Best for senior pets, pets already eating home made diets, picky eaters, pets with chronic illness and pets with impaired immune systems.
How does it work?
Day 1: Introduce raw food cooked
Day 2: Cook the raw food 3/4 of the way
Day 3: Cook the food 1/2 of the way
Day 4: Cook the food 1/4 of the way
Day 5: Feed raw
Safe option for pets that are sick.
Provides the best protection against digestive upset system.
Required prep time.
Tips to Transitioning your pet
Please feel free to take as long as you need to transition your pet to raw, it can take from 1 day to up to 6 months.
Understand that some pets have sensitive GI tracts and changing from one type of food to another may cause GI upset.
Remember your pet has been eating artificial dry food for a long time & it is quite different then feeding real, fresh raw food.
For a more in depth guide on how to transition check out Primal Pooch.